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  • Is EMS equipment safe?

    Is EMS equipment safe?

    No, it's not dangerous at all

    EMS can also handle electrical stimulation. Besides, our muscles are constantly being exercised. Therefore, the electrical impulse of EMS is very low and does no harm to our body.

    How Long Does EMS Take to Build Muscle?

    Studies on experimental models and human subjects have confirmed that EMS can increase muscle mass by about 1% and improve muscle function by about 10-15% after 5-6 weeks of treatment.

    Is SlimFast for weight loss or weight gain?

    The SlimFast® program is clinically proven to lose 1-2 pounds per week. On average, the program allows women to consume 1200 calories per day and men to consume 1600 calories per day.

    What are the benefits of electrotherapy?

    Depending on your medical or musculoskeletal condition, electrotherapy can provide several key benefits:
    Reduces nerve pain
    Promotes healing of musculoskeletal injuries
    Enables non-invasive, drug-free pain control
    Prevents muscle wasting
    br>New loop for wound repair
    Minimal or no side effects

    How often should you use electrotherapy?

    You can start with one 15-minute treatment. Repeat for an additional 15 minutes if needed. Use up to three times daily. During each treatment, score pain from 1 (low) to 10 (high) before and after treatment to assess The true degree of pain relief.

    What's the secret to losing weight?

    One way to help lose weight quickly is to cut out sugar, starches, or carbohydrates. This can be done with a low-carb meal plan, or by cutting out refined carbohydrates and replacing them with whole grains. When you do this, your hunger pangs will drop , you end up consuming fewer calories.

    What is an example of dietary therapy?

    Diet therapy includes changing the existing dietary lifestyle to maintain health. Some common therapeutic diets are clear liquid diet, full liquid diet, high fiber diet, renal diet, pure diet, food allergy changes, etc. It is related to the use of therapeutic food branch of nutrition.


    Can protein shakes replace a meal?

    Protein shakes are not meant to replace meals. They are meant to supplement your diet and make it easier to meet your daily protein needs while exercising. Ideally, these drinks should be consumed before and/or after exercise. Milk Albumin shakes are best for promoting muscle tissue growth.

    When is the best time of day to eat?

    Plan to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. This way, your breakfast is not mixed with a mid-day snack or pasture, followed immediately by lunch. Lunch should come about four or five hours after breakfast. For example, If you eat breakfast at 7am, eat lunch between 11am and noon.

    How much water should I drink to lose weight?

    According to research, 1-2 liters of water per day is enough to help you lose weight, especially if you drink it before meals.