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What are the best Chinese teas f...

What are the best Chinese teas for treating ailments?

1. White tea: Like green tea, it can eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the body 2. Tea made with lemongrass, ginger, lemon wind oil, sage, or lemon verbena is an antiviral sore throat Can be used as a sedative. 地黃丸

Can Herbal Medicine Help Sleep?

Herbs such as rose (rose flower), lily bud (lily bud), and perilla seed (suan zha oren) can help improve sleep. You can ask a qualified herbalist to diagnose your insomnia condition and prescribe herbal remedies for insomnia. you.

What kind of tea cures illness?

The best teas for nausea include ginger, chamomile, peppermint, licorice, green tea, and black tea. If you feel nauseous or have an upset stomach, a cup of tea can help. 益氣養血

What do you think of Kim?

The dosage of desmodium in Chinese medicine is 15-60 grams per day, and is often taken in hot water as a tea or soup.

What is the best recreational drug?

The five well-known SSRIs approved by the FDA to treat depression are:

What can help my heart recover faster?

7 ways to make your heart stronger
Eat a balanced diet
Don't sit too long
Brush your teeth daily and don't forget to floss
Stop smoking and passive smoking Avoid smoking
all day Eat well
Get enough sleep
Be aware of and reduce stress in your life.

Which fruit is best for liver problems?

Many dark berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries, contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help protect your liver from damage. 補中益氣丸

What are the benefits of Ying Chen?

Yin Cheng refers to the plant species Maohao or Donghao. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. Silver Chen contains chemicals that stimulate bile flow and protect the liver. These chemicals can also kill cancer cells and viruses.

Can anxiety disappear?

Anxiety usually goes away when the triggering event is over, but it can reappear in certain life situations. Anxiety disorders can be long-lasting. If left untreated, anxiety disorders can worsen and seriously interfere with your life.

What is Wuwei Sanitizing Drink used for?

Among them, Wuwei red bean decoction has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and eliminating stagnation. It is often used for prevention and treatment. disease.

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